Urbanomino will be shown at the Integrated Digital Media Student Showcase this year! Check out this as well as my other projects and the projects of my really cool peers on May 12th at 6pm at MAGNET, 2 Metrotech, Brooklyn NY.
For the IDM Showcase, Urbanomino needs to have a few more optimizations, bugfixes, and maybe a few more implemented features
Make the user interface better represent the simulation
Create information dialogs for the power struggle between the interest groups (image above)
Create dialogs for the existing state of the neighborhoods
Implement the rules of the simulation into the proposals/opinions game
Weigh the side effects of developments heavier than just accepting proposals
Better visualize the effects the rules are having on the neighborhood
Draw lines from sources showing the effects
Create an “attract” mode so players can jump into an existing game, rather than play out the one-sided beginning of the game
Let players start where the board is nearly filled and they need to make decisions about urban renewal
Perhaps create the start of the scenario system, so players can try out real cities like NYC or San Francisco
Create more buildings, improve existing architecture
Fix the train station
Strip Malls
Make the industry tile look like a classic, iconic factory
Animations for creating buildings and visualizing effects
Play with the elevations of the tiles
Test and work on the Urban Renewal mechanic
Build animations
Create associated punishment and side-effects
Build out the Special Request “Quest” system
Visualizing proposals
“Contested plot” proposal system for when two authorities want to put a development on the same tile